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Many people ask this question before their first trip. One could answer that it is better not to prepare in any way, and let such a vacation be a surprise. But since we do not all like surprises, we will try to give some tips.

First, find out all the details of such a vacation. Find answers to all the questions that concern you the most. Take a piece of paper now and start writing down all the questions that you have in a row. What kind of yacht is she? How long will you be on the yacht? Can you go on a yacht if you can't swim? Where will you eat? How is life on a yacht arranged? Is there electricity, a shower, etc? When you learn more, the fears will disappear magically by themselves.

Yacht Charters

Answer yourself to the question of what kind of comfort do you expect, and, based on this, choose a suitable tour. It could be a large cruise ship with bars, shops, and swimming pools. It can be a small sailing yacht where a close company gathers. It can be some kind of specific pleasure yacht, such as a classic Turkish gullet. We plan to write more about the gullet later.

If this is a small yacht, then ask about the crew members. Age may be important for someone, as well, ass nationality for another. Due to recent events, not every Ukrainian wants to be with a Russian, for instance. Find out who will go and from where. If you have not been to the places where you are going to travel now, then it’s better to agree on a joint road, purchase air tickets, and transfer from the airport. If you plan to arrive earlier or stay in those parts for a short time after the yacht tour, then it would be wiser to ask about sharing the same hotel. Single rooms are always more expensive than those three or four people.

The yacht has very limited space, so be sure to find out what to take with you, and in which bag to pack everything.

Superyacht Charter

People often ask where they can get some useful, necessary information about this particular yacht. And this is optional. If you want to be a useful member of the crew on board, if you want to take an active part in the management of the yacht, then you can read textbooks on yachting. Nowadays you can find a lot of them on the Internet. We will write about this later in a separate article.

Well, these are briefly all the tips. As you can see, the preparation is quite simple. Of course, if you have answered the specific questions, we mentioned above. Be sure to find out everything.

If you think that any specific issue deserves a more detailed consideration, write too. We will be excited to give you a detailed answer formed as a separate article. Also, with your questions, you will greatly help in the development of this site, which we’ll appreciate a lot.

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